MERA25 at the 2025 German National Election!

Help us get MERA25 on the ballot for the German national election!

URGENT: Signatures needed

In order for MERA25 to be on the ballot, the election official needs 2000 signatures from us in each federal state by the end of December.

Please sign below – this is not a promise to vote for us and does not commit you to anything else.

This is how it works:

  1. Each federal state has its own form, so please select your region:
  2. Download the Form. Print it double-sided and fill in everything except the part at the bottom “Bescheinigung des Wahlrechtes” [Certificate of eligibility to vote], which will be filled in by the office. Please write very neatly in block letters or capital letters so that it is valid.
  3. Feel free to print out more forms and get your family members / friends / acquaintances to sign them too. Everyone who is eligible to vote in the federal election (= adult German citizens) is allowed to sign.
  4. Send off all forms by 7 January to: (please select a city above). Our volunteers will take care of everything else. If you are a member of DiEM25, you can see our progress and report your collected signatures here.

FAQ about the signatures

Thank you very much!

Information about our Regional Associations and Candidate Lists:

  1. Baden-Württemberg
  2. Bayern
  3. Berlin
  4. Hamburg
  5. Hessen

More states coming soon!

Your federal state not yet on the list?

Become a member now and change it with us!


We can also use your financial support, because we have no sponsors and financiers behind us, but finance ourselves independently from small individual donations. We want to print materials to be highly visible on the street with our topics. Every donation, large or small, helps! Thank you very much!

What it is about now

Our Programme

Social Security. A Green New Deal. Peace.

We exist to fight for social security. Our plan guarantees a secure pension for all, access to affordable housing, access to excellent healthcare, a fair distribution of care work and the right to work.

We are fighting for a Green New Deal. With massive investments in the economy, energy supply, mobility systems, the construction sector and agriculture, we want to create millions of good and secure jobs. Our goal is climate neutrality by 2030.

We exist to fight for peace and global justice, in Palestine and everywhere else. We want to break the spiral of armament and surveillance, decriminalize migration and end the exploitation and oppression of the Global South.

Here you will find our Policy Programme – For Vision and Responsibility.

If you have any further questions, we welcome you to email us directly.