Version number: 1.1.5

Co-author functionality added for news posts with ‘Co-author Pro’ plugin and change to single.php (lines 22-30)

Version number: 1.1.4

Press archive buttons link to correct language URL

Donate button replaced participate menu

Participate menu included in main menu

Donate row function added to functions.php

Changes to page-homepage.php – removal of old donate row, addition of video section

Donate row function called above footer on all page templates

Theme Options page added via functions.php

Theme Options custom field added for homepage video

Changes to style.css (Version: 9.0.1)

WordPress core update (Version: 5.6)

Version number: 1.1.3

New page template for Volunteers (page-volunteers.php)

Volunteers field group added (group_5f7c359494e06)

Changes to style.css (Version: 5.7)

WordPress core update (Version: 5.5.1)

Version number: 1.1.2

Private styles page added (

Changes to single.php (time and author section, line 20)

Changes to style.css (Version: 4.8)

Share buttons added below news posts (Add to Any plugin)

New page template for Advisory Panel, CC & NC Czechia (advisory.php)

Advisory field group added (group_5ddd4bc83578d)

Version number: 1.1.1

Version page added

Version page added to ‘Site info’ menu

Changes to page-homepage.php (donate section, line 248)

Changes to style.css (Version: 3.1)

New campaign icons added